Finds all rows whose tsvector value on the stated column
matches to_tsquery(query).
The text or tsvector column to filter on.
The query text to match with.
The text search configuration to use.
Change how the `query` text is interpreted.
final data = await supabase
.textSearch('content', "'eggs' & 'ham'",
config: 'english'
final data = await supabase
.textSearch('catchphrase', "'fat' & 'cat'",
type: TextSearchType.plain,
config: 'english'
final data = await supabase
.textSearch('catchphrase', "'fat' & 'cat'",
type: TextSearchType.phrase,
config: 'english'
final data = await supabase
.textSearch('catchphrase', "'fat or cat'",
type: TextSearchType.websearch,
config: 'english'