Uploads a file to an existing bucket.
permissions: noneobjects
permissions: insert
The relative file path. Should be of the format folder/subfolder/filename.png. The bucket must already exist before attempting to update.
File object to be stored in the bucket.
Sets the retryAttempts parameter set across the storage client. Defaults to 10.
Pass a RetryController instance and call `cancel()` to cancel the retry attempts.
final avatarFile = File('path/to/file');
final String fullPath = await supabase.storage.from('avatars').upload(
fileOptions: const FileOptions(cacheControl: '3600', upsert: false),
final Uint8List avatarFile = file.bytes;
final String fullPath = await supabase.storage.from('avatars').uploadBinary(
fileOptions: const FileOptions(cacheControl: '3600', upsert: false),