
Terraform Provider

Supabase Terraform Provider

The Supabase Provider allows Terraform to manage resources hosted on Supabase platform.

You may use this provider to version control your project settings or setup CI/CD pipelines for automatically provisioning projects and branches.

Using the provider

This simple example imports an existing Supabase project and synchronises its API settings.

terraform {
required_providers {
supabase = {
source = "supabase/supabase"
version = "~> 1.0"
provider "supabase" {
access_token = file("${path.module}/access-token")
# Define a linked project variable as user input
variable "linked_project" {
type = string
# Import the linked project resource
import {
to = supabase_project.production
id = var.linked_project
resource "supabase_project" "production" {
organization_id = "nknnyrtlhxudbsbuazsu"
name = "tf-project"
database_password = "tf-example"
region = "ap-southeast-1"
lifecycle {
ignore_changes = [database_password]
# Configure api settings for the linked project
resource "supabase_settings" "production" {
project_ref = var.linked_project
api = jsonencode({
db_schema = "public,storage,graphql_public"
db_extra_search_path = "public,extensions"
max_rows = 1000