Swift: Subscribe to channel


Listen to broadcast messages

let channel = await supabase.channel("room1")

let broadcastStream = await channel.broadcastStream(event: "cursor-pos")

await channel.subscribe()

Task \{
  for await message in broadcastMessage \{
    print("Cursor position received", message.payload)

Task \{
  await channel.broadcast(
    event: "cursor-pos",
    message: [
      "x": .double(.random(in: 0...1)),
      "y": .double(.random(in: 0...1))

Listen to broadcast messages using callback

let channel = await supabase.channel("room1")

let subscription = await channel.onBroadcast(event: "cursor-pos") \{ message in 
  print("Cursor position received", message.payload)

await channel.subscribe()

await channel.broadcast(
  event: "cursor-pos",
  message: [
    "x": .double(.random(in: 0...1)),
    "y": .double(.random(in: 0...1))

// remove subscription some time later

Listen to presence updates

struct PresenceState: Codable \{
  let username: String

let channel = await supabase.channel("channelId") 

let presenceChange = await channel.presenceChange()

await channel.subscribe()

Task \{
  for await presence in presenceChange \{
    let joins = try presence.decodeJoins(as: PresenceState.self)
    let leaves = try presence.decodeLeaves(as: PresenceState.self)

// Send your own state
Task \{
  try await channel.track(PresenceState(username: "John"))

Listen to presence updates using callback

struct PresenceState: Codable \{
  let username: String

let channel = await supabase.channel("channelId") 

let subscription = await channel.onPresenceChange() \{ presence in 
  let joins = try presence.decodeJoins(as: PresenceState.self)
  let leaves = try presence.decodeLeaves(as: PresenceState.self)

await channel.subscribe()

// Send your own state
try await channel.track(PresenceState(username: "John"))

// remove subscription some time later

Listen to all database changes

let channel = await supabase.channel("channelId") 

let changeStream = await channel.postgresChange(AnyAction.self, schema: "public")

await channel.subscribe()

for await change in changeStream \{
  switch change \{
    case .delete(let action): print("Deleted: \(action.oldRecord)")
    case .insert(let action): print("Inserted: \(action.record)")
    case .select(let action): print("Selected: \(action.record)")
    case .update(let action): print("Updated": \(action.oldRecord) with \(action.record)")

Listen to all database changes using callback

let channel = await supabase.channel("channelId") 

let subscription = await channel.onPostgresChange(AnyAction.self, schema: "public") \{ change in 
  switch change \{
    case .delete(let action): print("Deleted: \(action.oldRecord)")
    case .insert(let action): print("Inserted: \(action.record)")
    case .select(let action): print("Selected: \(action.record)")
    case .update(let action): print("Updated": \(action.oldRecord) with \(action.record)")

await channel.subscribe()

// remove subscription some time later

Listen to a specific table

let channel = await supabase.channel("channelId") 

let changeStream = await channel.postgresChange(
  schema: "public",
  table: "users"

await channel.subscribe()

for await change in changeStream \{
  switch change \{
    case .delete(let action): print("Deleted: \(action.oldRecord)")
    case .insert(let action): print("Inserted: \(action.record)")
    case .select(let action): print("Selected: \(action.record)")
    case .update(let action): print("Updated": \(action.oldRecord) with \(action.record)")

Listen to a specific table using callback

let channel = await supabase.channel("channelId") 

let subscription = await channel.onPostgresChange(
  schema: "public",
  table: "users"
) \{ change in 
  switch change \{
    case .delete(let action): print("Deleted: \(action.oldRecord)")
    case .insert(let action): print("Inserted: \(action.record)")
    case .select(let action): print("Selected: \(action.record)")
    case .update(let action): print("Updated": \(action.oldRecord) with \(action.record)")

await channel.subscribe()

// remove subscription some time later

Listen to inserts

let channel = await supabase.channel("channelId") 

let insertions = await channel.postgresChange(
  schema: "public",
  table: "users"

await channel.subscribe()

for await insert in insertions \{
  print("Inserted: \(insert.record)")

Listen to inserts using callback

let channel = await supabase.channel("channelId") 

let subscription = await channel.onPostgresChange(
  schema: "public",
  table: "users"
) \{ insert in 
  print("Inserted: \(insert.record)")

await channel.subscribe()

// remove subscription some time later

Listen to updates

 let channel = await supabase.channel("channelId") 
 let updates = await channel.postgresChange(
   schema: "public",
   table: "users"

 await channel.subscribe()
 for await update in updates \{
   print("Updated: \(update.oldRecord) with \(update.record)")

Listen to updates using callback

 let channel = await supabase.channel("channelId") 
 let subscription = await channel.onPostgresChange(
   schema: "public",
   table: "users"
 ) \{ update in 
  print("Updated: \(update.oldRecord) with \(update.record)")

 await channel.subscribe()
 // remove subscription some time later

Listen to deletes

let channel = await supabase.channel("channelId") 

let deletions = await channel.postgresChange(
  schema: "public",
  table: "users"

await channel.subscribe()

for await deletion in deletions \{
  print("Deleted: \(deletion.oldRecord)")

Listen to deletes using callback

let channel = await supabase.channel("channelId") 

let subscription = await channel.onPostgresChange(
  schema: "public",
  table: "users"
) \{ deletion in
  print("Deleted: \(deletion.oldRecord)")

await channel.subscribe()

// remove subscription some time later

Listen to row level changes

let channel = await supabase.channel("channelId") 

let deletions = await channel.postgresChange(
  schema: "public",
  table: "users",
  filter: "id=eq.1"

await channel.subscribe()

for await deletion in deletions \{
  print("Deleted: \(deletion.oldRecord)")

Listen to row level changes using callback

let channel = await supabase.channel("channelId") 

let subscription = await channel.onPostgresChange(
  schema: "public",
  table: "users",
  filter: "id=eq.1"
) \{ deletion in 
  print("Deleted: \(deletion.oldRecord)")

await channel.subscribe()

// remove subscription some time later