Send Email Hook
Use a custom email provider to send authentication messages
The Send Email Hook runs before an email is sent and allows for flexibility around email sending. You can use this hook to configure a back-up email provider or add internationalization to your emails.
Field | Type | Description |
user | User | The user attempting to sign in. |
email | object | Metadata specific to the email sending process. Includes the OTP and token_hash . |
_49{_49 "user": {_49 "id": "8484b834-f29e-4af2-bf42-80644d154f76",_49 "aud": "authenticated",_49 "role": "authenticated",_49 "email": "",_49 "phone": "",_49 "app_metadata": {_49 "provider": "email",_49 "providers": ["email"]_49 },_49 "user_metadata": {_49 "email": "",_49 "email_verified": false,_49 "phone_verified": false,_49 "sub": "8484b834-f29e-4af2-bf42-80644d154f76"_49 },_49 "identities": [_49 {_49 "identity_id": "bc26d70b-517d-4826-bce4-413a5ff257e7",_49 "id": "8484b834-f29e-4af2-bf42-80644d154f76",_49 "user_id": "8484b834-f29e-4af2-bf42-80644d154f76",_49 "identity_data": {_49 "email": "",_49 "email_verified": false,_49 "phone_verified": false,_49 "sub": "8484b834-f29e-4af2-bf42-80644d154f76"_49 },_49 "provider": "email",_49 "last_sign_in_at": "2024-05-14T12:56:33.824231484Z",_49 "created_at": "2024-05-14T12:56:33.824261Z",_49 "updated_at": "2024-05-14T12:56:33.824261Z",_49 "email": ""_49 }_49 ],_49 "created_at": "2024-05-14T12:56:33.821567Z",_49 "updated_at": "2024-05-14T12:56:33.825595Z",_49 "is_anonymous": false_49 },_49 "email_data": {_49 "token": "305805",_49 "token_hash": "7d5b7b1964cf5d388340a7f04f1dbb5eeb6c7b52ef8270e1737a58d0",_49 "redirect_to": "http://localhost:3000/",_49 "email_action_type": "signup",_49 "site_url": "http://localhost:9999",_49 "token_new": "",_49 "token_hash_new": ""_49 }_49}
- No outputs are required. An empty response with a status code of 200 is taken as a successful response.
Your company uses a worker to manage all emails related jobs. For performance reasons, the messaging system sends emails in batches via a job queue. Instead of sending a message immediately, messages are queued and sent in periodic intervals via pg_cron
Create a table to store jobs
_10create table job_queue (_10 job_id uuid primary key default gen_random_uuid(),_10 job_data jsonb not null,_10 created_at timestamp default now(),_10 status text default 'pending',_10 priority int default 0,_10 retry_count int default 0,_10 max_retries int default 2,_10 scheduled_at timestamp default now()_10);
Create the hook
_40create or replace function send_email(event jsonb) returns void as $$_40declare_40 job_data jsonb;_40 scheduled_time timestamp;_40 priority int;_40begin_40 -- Extract email details from the event JSON_40 job_data := jsonb_build_object(_40 'email_action_type', event->'email_data'->>'email_action_type',_40 'token_hash', event->'email_data'->>'token_hash',_40 'token', event->'email_data'->>'token',_40 'email', event->'user'->>'email'_40 );_40_40 -- Calculate the nearest 5-minute window for scheduled_time_40 scheduled_time := date_trunc('minute', now()) + interval '5 minute' * floor(extract('epoch' from (now() - date_trunc('minute', now())) / 60) / 5);_40_40 -- Assign priority dynamically (example logic: higher priority for earlier scheduled time)_40 priority := extract('epoch' from (scheduled_time - now()))::int;_40_40 insert into job_queue (job_data, priority, scheduled_at, max_retries)_40 values (job_data, priority, scheduled_time, 2);_40end;_40$$ language plpgsql;_40_40grant execute_40 on function public.send_email_40 to supabase_auth_admin;_40_40revoke execute_40 on function public.send_email_40 from authenticated, anon;_40_40grant all_40 on table public.job_queue_40 to supabase_auth_admin;_40_40revoke all_40 on table public.job_queue_40 from authenticated, anon;
Create a function to periodically run and dequeue all jobs
_42create or replace function dequeue_and_run_jobs() returns void as $$_42declare_42 job record;_42begin_42 for job in_42 select * from job_queue_42 where status = 'pending'_42 and scheduled_at <= now()_42 order by priority desc, created_at_42 for update skip locked_42 loop_42 begin_42 -- add job processing logic here._42 -- for demonstration, we'll just update the job status to 'completed'._42 update job_queue_42 set status = 'completed'_42 where job_id = job.job_id;_42_42 exception when others then_42 -- handle job failure and retry logic_42 if job.retry_count < job.max_retries then_42 update job_queue_42 set retry_count = retry_count + 1,_42 scheduled_at = now() + interval '1 minute' -- delay retry by 1 minute_42 where job_id = job.job_id;_42 else_42 update job_queue_42 set status = 'failed'_42 where job_id = job.job_id;_42 end if;_42 end;_42 end loop;_42end;_42$$ language plpgsql;_42_42grant execute_42 on function public.dequeue_and_run_jobs_42 to supabase_auth_admin;_42_42revoke execute_42 on function public.dequeue_and_run_jobs_42 from authenticated, anon;
Configure pg_cron
to run the job on an interval. You can use a tool like to check that your job is running on an appropriate schedule. Ensure that pg_cron
is enabled under Database > Extensions
_10select_10 cron.schedule(_10 '* * * * *', -- this cron expression means every minute._10 'select dequeue_and_run_jobs();'_10 );